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Bryan Jones Aga, Hereford - Convert your Aga to 13amp electric

Aga Electric Conversion
If you're looking for alternatives to oil, gas or LPG when it comes to your Aga Cooker, you should consider converting your current aga to electric! By converting your aga to electric, you can benefit from:

13 Amp "Always on Aga"
This conversion is our most popular. It retains everything you love about your aga cooker.

There you have it! Your original aga that you know and love, just improved and highly efficient.

Click here for more information

ElectricKit Conversion - Controllable, Low running costs, Eco-Friendly
The Electrickit conversion is gaining popularity throughout the reconditioned aga market. More and more of our customers are opting for this controllable conversion to drastically reduce running costs and increase flexibility all year round.

There you have it! You're left with your original aga, plus independently controllable hot plates, ovens and warming cupboard.

Click here for more information


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