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Bryan Jones Aga, Hereford - Convert your Aga to 13amp electric

13 Amp “Always on Aga”

Running Costs - Approximate figures for a cooker running 24 hours a day, 7 days a week are:

Wiring Requirements - The 13amp aga cooker needs its own circuit from the consumer unit. A 16amp circuit breaker should be used and a 2.5mm cable to a Crabtree switched, fused spur point to the side of the cooker. (If you already have a normal cooker circuit this can usually be easily adapted to feed the aga cooker).

Optional - 7 day / 24 hour digital programmer. We can install a 13amp electric aga cooker with a versatile 7 day / 24 hour timer which can be programmed to suit your needs - for instance it can be off through the night or while you are at work and be set so your aga cooker is back up to temperature when you need it again. These timers fit on a single gang wall box.


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